
Hello, I'm Nicole! My background is in teaching with a focus on alternative and Montessori education. My husband and I are continually looking for ways to simplify our "busy", and foster connections to each other, the planet, our kiddos, and our local community.

I've been working on a little side project over the summer, and I am so excited to finally be sharing it with you! The Gentle Family Journal (taking it's name from my instagram page) will be a monthly email newsletter that invites you to pause, reflect, and set some intentions before diving into a new month. 

I know how busy we all are, and I created this as a way to remind myself to slow down and enjoy the seasons. The journal will surely evolve and change as I do, but my aim is to start our month off right with some simple inspiration. 

If you subscribe to the blog by entering your email address above, you will receive one email each month where you might see...
  • inspiring podcasts, books, or documentaries (for children as well!)
  • slow seasonal intentions - easy ideas to connect with the rhythm of the seasons
  • one small change at home - ideas to make your home more eco-friendly
  • connections through journaling prompts, thoughtful quotes, or activities for kids
  • short stories and poems 
  • an inspiration spotlight highlighting a community member
  • places to explore in our own community #hamont
The very first journal will arrive on Sunday, September 1st. They will continue to arrive the first Sunday of each month,  hopefully helping you to take a deep breath and live with intention through these busy seasons. In the meantime, join the conversation on instagram (@gentlefamilyliving) where I share daily small and simple ideas for connecting with the littlest souls in your life. And browse my personal family blog Stone Family Living for other thoughts and stories...

Thank you for being here and sharing in our story. I'm so looking forward to growing our little village of individuals, parents, and families who are aiming for a slow and intentional way of life.

Don't forget I'd love to hear from you!

Nicole xx


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